Stones For Protection

7 Stones For Protection From Psychic Attack

The right stone can help you overcome life’s difficulties and provide you with the necessary protection and power you need in life (as, for example, 7 chakra healing tassel stone). 

“There are only two kinds of people who can drain your energy: those you love, and those you fear. In both instances, it is you who let them in. They did not force their way into your aura, or pry their way into your reality experience.”

 Anthon St. Maarten

Every day you face difficulties at work, home or simply in the shop. Frequently there are misunderstandings or problems which you cannot control. As a result, you feel upset, stressed, and nervous. If difficulties do not disappear but only arise, they birth new problems and more problems. Most of people who are unable to control their life problems on their face with psychic attacks and lose their self-confidence and courage. 

Fortunately, seven protection stones can help with psychic attack protection. So, how to stop a psychic attack with the help of crystals?

#1 Tiger’s Eye                                                                                               

This stone is known for its great healing properties that lead in neutralizing negative energy and protecting from the evil eye. This crystal also protects your soul from the manipulative psychic powers, enhancing self-confidence and calmness.

#2 Hematite

Hematite is an excellent healing stone that positively affects your aura, providing and strengthening your shielding. It protects from negative energy and pulls it down to Earth, especially for transmutation. In comparison with the other protective stones, this one creates a protective shield around you, reflecting all the negative energy to the sender. This stone will be beneficial for those who are impulsive and lack focus. 

#3 Amethyst

Amethyst is great as well as one of the best psychic protection stones. It is an excellent stone to protect your body from the negative energy as well as an excellent stone to keep protective energy in your house. It transmutes negative energy into positive. 

#4 Black Tourmaline

These stones provide necessary body protection as well as prevents negative energy and signs of a psychic attack. The primary purpose of this stone is to absorb negative energy and neutralize it. If you have experienced a psychic attack, you should know that it is time for psychic protection. That is where black tourmaline comes in.

#5 Aqua Aura

This stone is perfect for psychic attack protection. Its metallic exterior perfectly works to strengthen your natural security. It absorbs negative and locks it away. 

#6 Fluorite 

Fluorite is an excellent stone that perfectly manages with unfavorable and undesirable outside influences. If you frequently suffer from stress, depression, and anxiety, Fluoride can help. It can also cloak your aura, which hires you from negative energy, sorcery, anxiety, and psychic attacks.

#7 Smoky Quartz

This stone is a must-have for those who suffer from stress and psychic attacks. Besides smoky quartz has a gentle essence, it is a potent and protective crystal. It dissolves negative energy fields, ensures necessary protection from detrimental forces. What is more, it is a useful stone that can protect you from radiation.